Stepping Out of the Comfort Zone


Women and Fun Are In Demand

Many women love to dance, but have lived with the knowledge that many men would prefer not to learn how. Keep a relationship fun by admitting that dancing is a skill you've never mastered. Give her even more reason to admire you by asking if she would be willing to take dance lessons with you. She may know how much her feet will hurt when you step on them, but this will be a fun time for both of you. While you may never be good at dancing, the memories will bring laughter for years to come.

Outdoor sports are often not something many women have tried. Fishing is a good example. One look at her face when going fishing is mentioned usually puts men off. A promise to bait the hook and take the fish off for her should suffice to get her interested. Don't be surprised if she eventually mentions she likes fishing. Sometimes all it takes is a bit of experience to enjoy the wonders of an outdoor date.

The simple pleasures in life are often the best ones. Many times men assume women want to be wined, dined and entertained. That is always nice, but it doesn't always mean she expects an expensive dinner in a fancy restaurant. Weekends are the perfect time for a different dining date. Take her to the local park and bring a picnic lunch. If there is entertainment, then that detail is not a worry. If there is no scheduled entertainment, try bringing a book of poetry to read to her. It might be more fun than expected and she will cherish the memory of that date for a lifetime.